Saturday, September 16, 2017

Hokago Tea Time - Don't say "lazy" -TV SIZE- from K-ON! (ENGLISH TRANSLYRICS)

Please don't say "you are lazy" if you are really crazy
Even the gentlest swans wait to kick their legs up and down until out of sight
I trust in myself, but as a result get tossed around
Even so, I believe... that after this rest, my future'll turn around

With these eyes, I follow a straight line
Never mind, I found a better looking shortcut
Sometimes, I wish I could simply just grow wings
It sure would make my life a whole lot easy

Oh, crap, I broke a nail!
Spreading some glue, all better
Doesn't it feel great to accomplish something?
Even if you do something bad, you've gotta love yourself
If you don't, then you can't love anyone else

Please don't say "you are lazy" if you are really crazy
Even the strongest hawks wait to show their claws until they're out of sight
Idolized in my head, but ignored in reality
I'm almost halfway there... but even so, I still sing off-pitch sometimes

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