Saturday, September 16, 2017

Chom-P - Raikou no Bullet from VOCALOID (ENGLISH TRANSLYRICS)

Those feelings you hold, record it right here
And save it, for the near future
The burning flames were hidden right deep in your heart
And they can't be extinguished, no matter what

Always trembling in solitude, as the countless nights go by so fast
Wounds that never heal, wandering aimlessly
You only waited for a sunrise

Non-negotiable thoughts is what's hidden right deep in your chest
You risked your body to protect what matters most to you

Never give up, even when you're in pain
It will grant you the strength to spread your wings wide
Come, now let's go to heaven together

You shot with your hand, and a bullet that
Surpasses all came rushing out
The excitement rises from deep within me
My heart has never beat so fast until now

Those feelings you hold, record it right here
And save it, for the near future
The burning flames were hidden right deep in your heart
And they can't be extinguished, no matter what

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